Sunday, November 4, 2012

cougar for a day

This post is much delayed. My bad. If you know me then you know I am NOT a BYU fan. I can't explain why in any sort of logical way and this post isn't for me to rant about "God's University". While in South Bend, Indiana I set my opinions aside and put on my cougar face to root for BYU at the Notre Dame game last weekend. The last time I was at a football game for the Cougars I am not sure if I was even fully potty trained...which was a really long time ago I swear.

My dad and I drove from Chi town for a couple hours to Notre Dame's INCREDIBLE campus. It took us about an hour to get off the freeway with the traffic...crazay, but once we were parked we explored the campus with what felt like the rest of the state of Utah. I wasn't expecting seeing as many Cougar fans as we did. They were everywhere! It was kinda nice actually I felt like I was back home instead of the middle of the Midwest. We saw a few people we new, and there was this amazing feeling of community as we walked around sharing smiles to those with a big Y on their hat or sweatshirt.  Also Notre Dame people/students/ fans are the NICEST people ever! They were so welcoming to the herds of BYU fans tromping around the campus. I think I was told "Welcome to Notre Dame" about 20 times.

The game was super fun...BYU lost but that didn't dampen our spirits! After the game we met a few players on the team that my dad's Hawaiian friend knew from back home and oh yeah one of those players was Manti Te'o. 

the picture I have of Manti and I isn't as good as the one my dad has on his camera. We actually are posing together in that one lol.
After that dad and I drove all the way back up to Chicago and ate amazing soul food at a New Orleans style restaurant with LOTS of hot sauce, fell into bed and slept like babies.

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